Infusing Information Technology into the Core Business Curriculum: A Change Management Project


  • Donald A. Carpenter
  • Vijay K. Agrawal


Business Curriculum, IT, Product Model, Change Management, Project


Many modern businesses have implemented information technology in a seamless inter-functional
manner based on integrated databases. However, few business schools have followed suit by
integrating information technology seamlessly into core curricula. Proprietary enterprise
resource planning software packages show promise but have not been adopted in a widespread
manner by academic departments for various reasons. Consequently, large numbers of business
students are not as prepared for the work environment as they could be. This case study describes
the initial processes to integrate information technology intensively into a university’s core
business curriculum. It illustrates the application of change management and the use of Product
Model to develop web-based applications for classes and database applications for end-users.
Benefits for students and other stakeholders explained.

